The Price of Success and the Agony of Defeat

The Price of Success and the Agony of DefeatUsually, we are always happy whenever we have achieved something good, we have done or accomplished. The recognition that we often hear at any point, which is nothing more than an auditorium, a third party or when the receiver itself. The honors he has received for their exemplary contributions to a particular cause, or for its excellent performance in a field in which he showed his talent, are worthy of admiration all over. With full conviction, which continues to reap the fruits of their sacrifices, hard work and long grueling hours spent mastering your craft has to offer its best performance in every role he played.

And if his reputation began to wane and his name is rarely mentioned in an arena once dominated?
Victory and defeat are just a step apart, and often only a short in it. We may be riding high in our success, and in a moment we are in the valley of failure and misery.
We saw a lot of people whose success stories have become a source of inspiration for all, and for those who aspire to make their name in the field that you are most comfortable, where they can show their innate talent have perfected over the years. Of course, everyone is entitled to a more successful to achieve prominence in their chosen field. Certainly, the social situation is not an obstacle to the realization of our dreams and aspirations in life. With discipline, hard work and perseverance, success is always to capture everyone.
Important and successful may come and go, and so is the reputation they used to appreciate and enjoy. Every day we hear different stories of success. But after the success of one is the failure and destruction of others. More often than not, once we began to stumble and fall, he rushes to get discouraged and confused. Worse, you can not fully recover from the agony of defeat, and pick up the pieces. And ultimately ended in abject poverty.
Success is something that everyone dreams. All the rewards that come with success are overwhelming. Comfort, wealth, special treatment and respect for others, and all things related to it, are incredibly impressive. We must discover the beautiful things and better opportunities ahead. Literally change his life completely and perhaps all that can have an influence.
The key to success is to risk failure. It's like going to a place where we've never been before. Our ability to cope with various challenges to our foundation to make our research more resistant to the success of all the obstacles that come in order to achieve our goal. No matter how difficult it is, but learn to stand up and try to reinvent ourselves to reach our full potential to redeem what has been lost, so that ultimately led us to where we want to be.

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